The Mindfluence® Live Breakthrough Experience

Invite One or Both Mindfluence Founders to Present at Your Event.

Nothing can replace the life-altering power of a live presentation, especially when the presenters are the passionately committed founders of the Mindfluence Revolution.

Dozens of available topics to inspire, inform, and empower your audience.

Practical insights that deliver valuable, real-world applications.

Innovative techniques for ensuring retention and implementation of shared ideas.

Fee-based or shared-revenue opportunities.

Download Bios

Biographies for both Dr Matthew Norton and Bruce Hurley are available for download, summarizing their backgrounds, experience and areas of expertise. Please click on the “Download Bios” button below to download their one sheet bios.

Free 7-part series plus download of “The 7 Indispensable Mindsets of Business Success”

Embrace these 7 mindsets and you will unlock the key to achieving your dreams. It’s that simple.