065: Kate Sweetman
According to leadership and change expert, Kate Sweetman, when it comes to change, the fundamental starting place is our mindset, our attitudes, beliefs and habits. How many of us really want our familiar and comfortable routines challenged? We may say we want change but not at the expense of our established relationships and ingrained behaviors. Do you want to improve your business and possibly initiate a significant reinvention? Why does Reinvention matter? According to Kate, “the ability to Reinvent Yourself and Reinvent Your Organization will be one of the most important competencies to have in the 21st century. In fact, having this ability may be simply the price of admission to play in today’s global chess game.” Tune in for a transformational conversation with Kate, who says the roadmap for successful change begins with dissatisfaction and is multiplied by high level leadership. Also, stick around until the end for this week’s Mindfluence Challenge so that you can begin to create some new results.
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