The Mindfluence® Entreprescore™

The World’s Most Accurate 
and Helpful Assessment of Entrepreneurial Skills

Discover Your Scores in each of the 13 Elements of Business Success.

Developed by entrepreneurs, academics, behavioral scientists, and doctors, the Entreprescore is the most accurate assessment of business skills ever created:

Takes only 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

Receive a detailed 60-page report with all 13 business-success scores and insights.

Your emotional quotient (your ability to use emotional skill-sets as an empowering guiding force).

Your report provides action plans personalized just for you.

Every entrepreneur needs to know their Entreprescore!

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Are you ready to take the Entreprescore Super Test? Get your personalized report giving you all the tools you need to improve.  Get started by clicking the button below.

Free 7-part series plus download of “The 7 Indispensable Mindsets of Business Success”

Embrace these 7 mindsets and you will unlock the key to achieving your dreams. It’s that simple.